Feb. 20th This is a Wednesday, that's our church night.
Our "Poor boy Supper" was a success, due solely to the great members of our congregation who pitch in and help with gusto! Great time of fundraising, and raised a goodly amount of funds!
A slight problem...I've turned the eggs twice on two different nights;I'm a bad hatcher, so much for the 6 to 8 turns per day!
Friday night singing was great! She was on her way back from the Grammy's. She had been nominated for her latest album, "Journey to Joy"...she is a talented woman. They were entertaining as well. We had an entertaining van ride as well...but that's water under the bridge...Ha! Suffice it to say, The Rev. was driving, Rolling Romeo was riding shotgun, and Nervous Nancy were all on board!
It began on Saturday Morning seemed like it was going to turn into a disaster...
But the Lord helped, and while I had a few panicked moments...it smoothed out there ....the Angel Food truck was late, people had arrived, several drive long distances, and they were not happy...not ugly, just not happy....which makes me nervous...
My smile was pasty...and trust me, I know how to smile when you don't feel like it, then my throat became hoarse by the end of the day....we went straight from Angelfood, to slicing potatoes for the Poor Boy Supper....the beans were heavenly...I used the stove at the parsonage and the stove at the fellowship hall to cook those beans, and my church family was a blessing with the fried taters & all the fixings!! Yummy!
We have a wonderful group of church people, we laughed and talked and served and cleaned and did it all again several times....
I ran back and forth between the church and parsonage so many times, (it's good exercise, think of all the calories I burned to eat the cake for later!!) can't let a pot of beans burn when that's your MAIN DISH!!
It rained cats and dogs almost the whole day...I tread water on the sidewalk from the parsonage to the church when it just sprinkles...it's flat land down here...soggy, boggy, flat, swampy land, so I could have really used a pair of waders this Saturday!
Did I mention it's a mosquito heaven. Ugghh!
Anyway, made it back to the house and dropped to the couch and didn't really remember much...somehow tucked in my little darlings, climbed into my bed and then the crazy alarm clock didn't work...well, it did, I just thought it didn't because it seemed like I had just laid down when it went off...and my Sunday Work began...
It was Saturday night and Sunday night when I turned the eggs only twice...
The Rev. had an appointment on Monday...gave him a clean bill of health, Praise the Lord!
I'm in the process of trying to make a 'deal' for some Nubian goats! Still working out a few details...mainly trying to get my sisters to come in with me...what am I going to do with 9 goats?
The upper half of Arkansas is getting some snow and a lot of ice today and tomorrow...so it will be next week before we can do much about the goats...I think it's just mostly going to be cold here. At least it's made those awful green frogs hide! Yuck, have I got a story about them and water bugs! I'll tell it some other time!
My chicken coop, well, it's forlorn...but we can do this!! We will get it built!
"I can do all things thru Christ, who strengtheneth me!"
Ya'll Come
The Parson's Wife
Our "Poor boy Supper" was a success, due solely to the great members of our congregation who pitch in and help with gusto! Great time of fundraising, and raised a goodly amount of funds!
A slight problem...I've turned the eggs twice on two different nights;I'm a bad hatcher, so much for the 6 to 8 turns per day!
Friday night singing was great! She was on her way back from the Grammy's. She had been nominated for her latest album, "Journey to Joy"...she is a talented woman. They were entertaining as well. We had an entertaining van ride as well...but that's water under the bridge...Ha! Suffice it to say, The Rev. was driving, Rolling Romeo was riding shotgun, and Nervous Nancy were all on board!
It began on Saturday Morning seemed like it was going to turn into a disaster...
But the Lord helped, and while I had a few panicked moments...it smoothed out there ....the Angel Food truck was late, people had arrived, several drive long distances, and they were not happy...not ugly, just not happy....which makes me nervous...
My smile was pasty...and trust me, I know how to smile when you don't feel like it, then my throat became hoarse by the end of the day....we went straight from Angelfood, to slicing potatoes for the Poor Boy Supper....the beans were heavenly...I used the stove at the parsonage and the stove at the fellowship hall to cook those beans, and my church family was a blessing with the fried taters & all the fixings!! Yummy!
We have a wonderful group of church people, we laughed and talked and served and cleaned and did it all again several times....

It rained cats and dogs almost the whole day...I tread water on the sidewalk from the parsonage to the church when it just sprinkles...it's flat land down here...soggy, boggy, flat, swampy land, so I could have really used a pair of waders this Saturday!
Did I mention it's a mosquito heaven. Ugghh!

Anyway, made it back to the house and dropped to the couch and didn't really remember much...somehow tucked in my little darlings, climbed into my bed and then the crazy alarm clock didn't work...well, it did, I just thought it didn't because it seemed like I had just laid down when it went off...and my Sunday Work began...
It was Saturday night and Sunday night when I turned the eggs only twice...
The Rev. had an appointment on Monday...gave him a clean bill of health, Praise the Lord!
I'm in the process of trying to make a 'deal' for some Nubian goats! Still working out a few details...mainly trying to get my sisters to come in with me...what am I going to do with 9 goats?
The upper half of Arkansas is getting some snow and a lot of ice today and tomorrow...so it will be next week before we can do much about the goats...I think it's just mostly going to be cold here. At least it's made those awful green frogs hide! Yuck, have I got a story about them and water bugs! I'll tell it some other time!
My chicken coop, well, it's forlorn...but we can do this!! We will get it built!
"I can do all things thru Christ, who strengtheneth me!"
Ya'll Come
The Parson's Wife
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